Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Kollagen Intensiv Product Review

Kollagen Intensiv Product Box 
Product Overview
When you look and feel at your optimum levels, you also approach your day-to-day life with greater zest, vigor and confidence, which has positive impacts on important areas of your life, such as career and private life.

How Do Anti-Aging Products Work?
There is a protein called collagen. This is formed naturally in the body, and to put in overly-simple terms, it is one of the most important compounds your body uses to help you look and feel great.

What is Kollagen Intensiv?
Kollagen Intensiv is a breakthrough anti-aging skin repair solution designed to help you look years younger by boosting your skin's own natural collagen production abilities. In fact, it's been proven to accelerate collagen production. It's important to stress that this is a natural collagen production, not some synthetic attempt at a solution. And that is key when you want younger looking skin.

The fact that it focuses on natural collagen production is what separates Kollagen Intensiv from ordinary collagen creams. Producing your own collagen is not only natural, but it's also more effective as most creams are not capable of delivering collagen to your skin properly anyway. In most cases, it simply cannot be absorbed.

It's also superior to replacing collagen with painful, expensive injections. Although somewhat popular among those who can afford them, collagen injections must be repeated every few months and are terribly inconvenient...not to mention they are quite the opposite of natural. Not what you want when all natural skin care is what you're looking for.

Kollagen Intensiv includes the very latest medical breakthroughs in natural collagen renewal, encouraging your skin to naturally increase collagen production for a visible reduction of wrinkles, fine lines, age spots, and more. Skin regains a more youthful appearance.

Amongst its many claims to fame, good levels of collagen will result in your body boasting skin which is tight, radiant, firm and flexible. It also helps to bind together different bones, muscles, tendons, joints and ligaments meaning that a body with high levels of collagen will be more supple and flexible.

The problem is that over the course of a lifetime, the body becomes less efficient at producing collagen. In turn, this means that the youthful joints and radiant skin which you possessed as a child are replaced by creaking joints, brittle bones, saggy skin and wrinkles.

The anti-aging fight, in most circumstances, therefore concentrates on the issue of collagen, usually by attempting to introduce higher quantities of it into the body.

Does Kollagen Intensiv Work?
Kollagen Intensiv backs up its results with actual science. One of its key ingredients has been proven in clinical testing to improve the appearance of wrinkles by as much as 354% when compared with a placebo. On top of that, overal skin texture was improved by 201% in volunteer test subjects.

Probably the biggest testament as to whether the product works is its own guarantee policy. It's among the most generous on the market. You have a full 90 days to test-drive Kollagen Intensiv anti-aging cream and if you're not completely satisfied you can return it for a 100% refund of the product purchase price with no questions asked.

When you order from the Kollagen Intensiv Official Website, you'll be eligible for up to 3 jars FREE! Depending on how many units you decide to order, you can receive an additional 1, 2, or 3 jars of Kollagen Intensiv completely free. A luxurious facial cloth and relaxing massage candle are also available as free bonuses at this time too. When you look at everything available under the current special offer... there's never been a better time to try this collagen boosting cream.

We recommend only ordering from the Official Kollagen Intensiv Website because ordering is completely safe and secure with all major credit cards accepted. In addition, discreet packaging is used on all orders to ensure your privacy. It's also the only way to get the special bonuses described above.

If you are scared of long, scientific-sounding names, then reading the ingredients list could be somewhat of a daunting procedure. To put it in simple terms, the serum is a mixture of high quality vitamins, minerals, peptides, fatty acids, anti-oxidants, enzymes and essential oils.

Kollagen Intensiv has mixture that intends to nourish, mend and invigorate the skin. Different ingredients perform different roles, but one of the major tasks is to encourage the body to produce more of its own supply of collagen.

This is done in 2 ways - first, by using stimulating ingredients (including Shea Butter) and secondly, by discouraging stress on the system which the body uses to produce collagen (including certain peptides).

The treatment is applied twice daily - in the morning and then again in the evening.

Much of the Kollagen Intensiv review material indicated that results could be seen extremely quickly, even before the end of the first week. 

Despite initial skepticism, consumers did record a positive result in the first week but their skepticism recognize that this could just as easily have been put down to another factor like tiredness or stress, or even just a placebo effects.

Apply Kollagen Intensiv Cream To Face
However, regular use over a sustained period of 3 months convinced them that the product does have significant and impressive anti-aging properties. Your average confidence and self-esteem will be much higher after using Kollagen Intensiv.

Rooted in Switzerland, the luxurious formulation of Kollagen Intensiv contains the patented peptide, SYN-COLL.

  • It is a natural treatment so you do not need to have it prescribed by a doctor.
  • It promotes the body's natural production of collagen, rather than adding it artificially. Many other treatments try to encourage the body to take on board additional collagen. However, it is a large compound which does not permeate easily through the skin. Regular injections tackle this problem to an extent, but are expensive, painful and inconvenient.
  • There are no unpleasant side effects.
  • It is quick and simple to apply.
  • Noticeable results appear quickly.
  • It is comparatively cheap to obtain. Additionally, there are generous bulk discounts and, usually for this type of product, a 100% money back guarantee.
  • Natural collagen production is stimulated and accelerated
  • Typical signs of aging are noticeably reduced
  • Skin looks younger due to the plumping effect provided
  • Facial skin is softer, smoother and nicely conditioned
  • Fine lines and wrinkles are visibly diminished
  • Large pores are smaller and less noticeable
  • Age and sun spots are faded for an even complexion
  • Increase your skin's natural production of collagen
  • Reduce the appearance of even the deepest lines and wrinkles
  • Firm and tone the skin for a more youthful appearance
  • Moisturize and hydrate the skin
  • Help repair damage including age spots and sun damage.
  • Dead skin cells are removed for a fresher, clearer look
  • Laugh lines and crows feet are reduced
  • Dark under eye circles and puffiness are removed
Aging Skin Can Cause A Lot Of Unexpected Problems
Before we get into the specifics about Kollagen Intensiv and how it can help you have younger looking skin and feel great about the way you look, I want to ask you a question...

Kollagen Intensiv Clear Skin
What does aging skin means to you?
I suppose to some women it's no big deal - they simply go with it and allow themselves to look a bit older with each passing year. They probably tell themselves it's the "natural" thing to do. Maybe they don't realize how easy it is to avoid some of the embarrassing situations that often happen once you start looking a "certain" age.

Yes, aging can be embarrassing at times...

Younger women are usually addressed as "Miss" when a service provider is trying to be professional and courteous. Do you remember the first time someone called you "Ma'am?" Ouch!

Attention from men is usually reserved for younger-looking women. Men of all ages - even your age - like to chat and flirt with women they perceive to be younger. Do you remember how older you were when some of that attention started to fade away? Your feelings may have been hurt or worse yet, you might have felt invisible.

It's no secret that women who look younger (regardless of how old they actually are) get a few more breaks in life than those who "age gracefully" and continue look their actual age as the years progress. Often the change is subtle, but one day you realize that the things you once took for granted are now gone. It can be quite a shock...followed by a feeling of depression and even shame for some.

Now I'm not suggesting that any of this is right - far from it. But, that's just the way life seems to work sometimes. It's not always fair, but if you can learn the "rules" you can play the game right along with everyone else.

Natural Collagen Production Is The Key
Rule #1 of keeping your youthful looks is to preserve your skin's natural collagen production as long as you possibly can.

Collagen production declines as we age and this is bad news for our skin. But if you can find a way to reverse this loss of collagen, you can enjoy younger looking skin that's smooth and full of elasticity and firmness for many years into the future - and avoid the embarrassment of looking of before you're ready to.

And let's face it, you're NOT ready to look older - for from it!

That's where Kollagen Intensiv comes into play. While it's not an "overnight" cure for younger looking skin, it's an effective way to flip the switch into high gear on your body's own natural collagen making abilities.

Product Format
Single jar contains 4 oz of Kollagen Intensiv

Target Audience
Women, aged 35 to 60+, who want to visibly improve skin's overall elasticity and flexibility while promoting higher levels of moisture retention on the cellular level for a more youthful appearance.

When you consider all of the options available, Kollagen Intensiv seems to be the clear winner.

All in all, skin becomes lighter, brighter and more radiant for a healthier and more youthful appearance. And best of all, continued collagen production helps you keep the results and improve upon them as time goes on. Bottom line is, you enjoy younger looking skin longer while using one of the most effective natural skin products on the market.

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