121 Doc Review

121doc, is the UK’s number one online clinic. They specialise in providing genuine branded treatment for a number of common lifestyle conditions, such as impotence, baldness, obesity, premature ejaculation, influenza, genital herpes and female sexual dysfunction. Our doctors also prescribe quit-smoking treatment and oral contraception should you choose to reorder medication online.

Their services act as a compliment for traditional bricks and mortar medical care. When you select a treatment option for your condition, you will be asked to fill out an online private consultation. This will be looked over by one of their own GMC and EU registered doctors, who will prescribe you the treatment if you are considered safe and eligible for your chosen medication. All medications we provide are dispensed from registered UK licensed pharmacies in discreet, plain packaging via our next day delivery service. - Which we think is awesome!

Things that they treat! :

Impotence affects at least 1 in 5 men at some point in their life. This male sexual disorder can develop by way of physical and psychological issues, and lifestyle factors.

Obesity claims the lives of over 30,000 people in England each year. People who are obese are also at significant risk of stroke, heart disease, type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.

Cigarettes contain thousands of toxic chemicals. Frequently inhaling nicotine smoke invites the risk of serious, sometimes fatal illnesses, including many types of cancer.

Up to 10% of men are said to have experienced premature ejaculation, the inability control ejaculation during sex. Common triggers include stress, anxiety and sexual inexperience.

Male pattern baldness can develop in men as young as 19 or 20. It is a hereditary condition that may be spurred on by the stress and worry of a busy, hectic lifestyle.

Oral contraceptive pills offer the most convenient and reliable method of ensuring against pregnancy during sex. When used correctly, the pill is almost 100% effective.

Emergency contraceptive pills can be used for up to 5 days after sex to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. A pill should be taken only in case of an emergency.

Clinical data suggests that up to 80% of people with the herpes virus may not realise they have been infected. Herpes is a common STI that is passed on easily during sexual activity.

Improve your quality of life by choosing the period delay pill online. Whether you're planning a trip, taking an exam or being intimate, this medication is suitable for the majority of its users.

Female sexual dysfunction encompasses a number of commonly occurring sexual health problems, such as low libido, vaginal dryness and difficulty in reaching climax.

Almost one-third of women with unwanted facial hair are said to suffer clinical depression. This unflattering condition causes further hygiene problems and skin problems. Find your treatment online.

121 Doc is a great website. They ship to anywhere in the world, but it`s more convenient if you are in the Europe! Please check them out.

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